Open Call for the Open Course “Curatorial Practice and Context” 2022


Open call for the Open Course “Curatorial Practice and Context” 2022

29th of Aug – 3rd of September 2022

@ Struga, North Macedonia


International School Curating in Context that was organised online by LOKOMOTIVA-Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture, and co-curated by Biljana Tanurovska – Kjulavkovski and Slavcho Dimitrov in 2019 and 2020, this year, will be happening in Struga, North Macedonia, as part of the Open Course “Curatorial Practice and Context” 2022  organized by Stockholm University of the Arts, in collaboration with Lokomotiva.

LOKOMOTIVA-Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture provides 3 scholarships for non-EU participants

Deadline for the NON EU scholarships 30 April, 2020.




This is a course is for all who want to broaden your perspectives on curatorial practices in performing arts. The course offers critical reflection on diverse socio-political and economic contexts, as well as a possibility to develop curatorial methods for rethinking the practices of contemporary (performing) arts in relation to activism, self-organization and critical thinking.

Choreographers, dancers, curators and other artists and cultural workers related to the performing arts field are welcome to apply to this course. The course relates to questions concerning an expanded understanding of the curatorial, extending beyond black or white box presentation and representation politics. more...

The course analyses the environment in which art is produced and disseminated, and focuses on creation of knowledge and opportunities for practitioners who want to work with curatorial processes within the field of performing arts or interdisciplinary fields. The course further analyses and highlights curation in dialogue with its context and contemporary issues such as democracy, gender, feminism, ecology and human rights.  Furthermore, tools for critical and ethical reflection on curation are introduced to illustrate diverse examples on how to produce, advocate and initiate different models to present and articulate art within a specific context.

The course begins with an intensive week in Struga, North Macedonia, followed by two intensive periods with online seminars. Stockholm University of the Arts cover the costs for travel and accommodation for students enrolled in the course.


The course is a collaboration of SKH with Lokomotiva, who will grant three scholarships to participants applying from outside of EU, in frame of their project (Non)Aligned Movements.

The course has been developed through the Erasmus + project Curating in Context, in which SKH was one of four partner organizations. Read about the project here:


Summer school Curating in Context is organized in frame of (Non)Aligned Movements  project by Nomad Dance Academy partners through project (Non)Aligned Movements ( and is supported by Creative Europe/European cooperation projects Western Balkans.


Teachers and guest teachers: Ana Vujanović, Biljana Tanurovska - Kjulavkovski, Bojana Kunst, Danae Theodoridou, Jasmina Založnik, Marijana Cvetković, Rok Vevar, Sergej Pristaš, Silke Bake, Slavcho Dimitrov, Tove Salmgren, Una Bauer and other.


The Course is divided into four parts and consists of lectures, seminars, mentor sessions and individual work.


  1. Intensive week in Struga, North Macedonia 29th of Aug – 3rd of Sept.

Summer school Curating in Context (co-organized by Lokomotiva/(Non)Aligned Movements) and co-curated by Slavcho Dimitrov, Biljana Tanurovska- Kjulavkovski and Tove Salmgren.

Intensive week of lectures, discussions, presentations and workshops.

This first week of the course is mandatory and will take place in Struga, North Macedonia. SKH will cover the costs for travel and accommodation for the students enrolled in the course.


  1. Online 3rd of October – 7th of October

“Composting” – a process of developing, reshaping, reusing and recycling of curatorial knowledge and information

Seminars for reading, writing and group discussions, through logics of The Compost.


  1. Online 7th of November – 11th of November.

“Ethics and politics of production”

Lectures, presentations and discussions on subjects of policies, politics, organization, advocacy or how to produce, advocate and initiate different models to present and articulate art within a specific context.

Individual writing period 12th of November – 12th of December. Writing a proposal for a curatorial project (mentoring sessions included).


  1. Online 13-16th of December

End seminar/examination.



Documents to be submitted for this course:

  1. Submit your CV, where you list your education, professional experience and other relevant experiences that you want to refer to. Please use pdf.
  2. Submit a letter of motivation (2000 characters incl. blanks). Please use pdf.
  3. Submit a sketch of a curatorial project you would like to research and develop during the course. (2000 characters incl. blanks). Please use pdf.


For NON EU scholarships send the applications on by 30th April 2022.



If there are more eligible applicants than available places there will be a selection by a combined assessment of submitted application documents. The assessment takes into account applicants’ previous education, artistic and curatorial experience as well as the ability to articulate their interests related to the course content. The assessment takes particular account of experience in work with artistic activities focusing on and related to the course content.


More information on the following link:



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