Artists and Curators Talks with Kristina Lelovac and Jana Kocevska (Tiiit Inc.)


Artists and Curators Talks with Kristina Lelovac and Jana Kocevska (Tiiit Inc.)

Topic Tags:  festival feminism intersectionality independent cultural scene co-creation


·         Prvo pa Zhensko Festival (First Born Girl)

·         Program structure: balancing theory, art, popular content

·         Festival production core values: togetherness, inclusiveness, intersectionality, solidarity

·         Building communities and audiences to breed alliances

·         Co-creation between organizations, institutions, individuals

·         Supported from local independent cultural scene

·         Prvo Pa Zhensko Festival 7 video:    

·         Aiming to present something different from the mainstream while maintaining inspiration from other feminist festivals

·         Main motivator is the exchange of practices and knowledge

·         Intimate mapping of cities


Kristina Lelovac (Skopje, 1985) is a professional actress and drama acting lecturer at the Faculty of Drama Arts - Skopje, where she is also enrolled in doctoral studies in Theatrology. Her fields of interest are professional training of actors and re-thinking of theatre practices in the context of (contemporary) political realities. She has performed at the Macedonian National Theater, in independent theater productions, as well as in film and television projects. She participated in domestic and international festivals, study visits, summer schools and workshops. She is an active contributor to the independent cultural scene in Macedonia, and a member of several activist initiatives. Since 2013, with Tiiit! Inc. she has been producing and programing the Firstborn Girl Festival.

Jana Kocevska (Skopje, 1986) graduated at the institute for Ethnology and Anthropology in Skopje. Since 2011, as a founding member of Tiiiit! Inc., she is actively involved in the cultural scene in the field of gender, feminism and women’s rights as a manager and program creator at the Feminist Action and Culture Festival – Firstborn Girl. She is also one of the founders of the Centre for Research of Nationalism and Culture (CRNC) that focuses on understanding and raising awareness of the emergence of nationalism in the Balkan Region and its complex relations with culture in Balkan societies. She worked for two years as a project coordinator at Coalition Margins, an NGO with focus on sexual and health rights of marginalized communities. As part of the Coalition Margins, she was an assistant at the Skopje Pride Weekend Festival in 2017 and 2019. She also worked as an assistant at the Festival of Critical Culture – CRIC in Skopje in 2016, 2019, 2020. She has participated in several research projects as a junior researcher.



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