SEMINAR – Goran Sergej Pristaš: Theatre by Other Means


SEMINAR – Goran Sergej Pristaš and Discussion: "Theatre by Other Means" Croatia

Topic Tags: Apparatus white box watching showing modalities of translation

If we attempt to approach theatre not as an empty space but as infrastructure of watching, then it is a space already overwhelmed and prestressed by different dispositives of watching and showing. Could we imagine a stage of watching and not a stage of showing, an ideal space for theatrical work, an atelier, a dance studio, an auditorium, a white box, a film studio, a forensic laboratory, an archive.. and all at once?

Is it a space that does not have to be filled but cleansed to be able to accommodate production, rehearsing, exhibiting, disassembling, folding, archiving, watching...etc.

  • Apparatus of showing and watching
  • Cinematic leaflet: another apparatus of presenting
  • Modalities of translation from one coordinate system to another
  • If we move a cinematic object (an object can be any cinematic gesture such as the movement of a camera, not the act by the actor) how do we translate the movement of the camera to theatre?
  • How do we change the logic of seeing in the theatre?
  • If we would like to move the stage of theatre to the gallery, are we moving the stage of showing? Or do we have to change the situation of the gallery into a stage of watching?
  • How could we imagine a performance space as a space of fullness and potentialities instead of an empty box/space?
  • How do we turn it around and think about the space as a place where the fullness of the things seen is already there?


Reading documents:
Gilles Deleuze - Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation
(for the seminar to read - the first paragraphs on the pages 86/87, or if you can whole The Painting before Painting...)  

Goran Sergej Pristaš is a dramaturge, co-founder and member of BADco. (, performing arts collective. He worked as a researcher and curator in the Centre for Drama Art (CDU) from 1995 to 2007. Associate Professor of Dramaturgy at the Academy of Dramatic Arts, University of Zagreb. He is also one of the initiators of the project Zagreb - Cultural Kapital of Europe 3000. With his projects and collaborations (BADco., Frakcija) he participated at Venice Biennale 2011 and 2016, Documenta 12, ARCO and numerous festivals and conferences. He was mentoring and teaching at DOCH (Stockholm), JLU (Giessen), Statens Scenekunstskole (Copenhagen), P.A.R.T.S. (Brussels), etc. Teaching courses in performance dramaturgy, writing on performance, analytical writing, dramaturgy and choreography, collaborative practices, and other. He was the first editor-in-chief (1996-2007) of Frakcija, a magazine for the performing arts. His latest book is Exploded Gaze (Multimedia Institute, Zagreb 2018).


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