SEMINAR by Kirsten Maar: New Schools: New Formats of Teaching and Mediating

SEMINAR by Kirsten Maar (Germany): New Schools: New Formats of Teaching and Mediating

Topic Tags: emancipated spectator ignorant master

How do we know what we know? How do we learn from each other? How do we deal with knowledge on an ethical level? And, how can we develop alternative forms of learning? Or establish “ecologies of practice” (Stengers)? Close to critical curatorial practice the field of mediation and teaching, the workshop-seminar asks for its own conditions, it looks at ways of mediating and producing knowledge in the cultural field beyond disciplines, within collaborative, practice-based and diverse research methods. We will work, based on short texts and material distributed beforehand (Moten/Harney, Manning et al..), starting with an input in the form of a lecture, going on in smaller working groups and then altogether to finally develop an adequate form of presentation.

Reading document:

Luis Camnitzer, "What makes an art school a good art school?", in ibid.: One Number is Worth One Word, Ben Eastham, e-flux/ Sternberg Press Berlin 2020, pp. 272-283.

Camnitzer_Art School.pdf

Other references from the Seminar by Kirsten Maar:

Illic - Deschooling Society



Kirsten Maar is a dance scholar and dramaturge. Since 2018 she has been working as a junior-professor at the Dance Department at Free University Berlin. From 2007-2014 she was a member of the DFG-Collaborative Research Centre „Aesthetic Experience and the Dissolution of Artistic Limits“. Her research fields are an intersection between visuals arts, architecture and choreography, social choreographies, changing discourses of gender and ethnicity, scoring practices and composition. Her post-doc research dealt with the issue of presentation of dance in the context of exhibitions concerning questions of canonization processes. Among many other publications, she is co-editor of Assign and Arrange. Methodologies of Presentation in Art and Dance (Sternberg 2014). Next to her academic research, she works as a dramaturge.


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